And how!
The refresh of MECC2 is out, so now both of our first C&C modules have been brought in line with the new look-and-feel established with MECC3. Also, some updated PDFs of 3, 4, and 6 have been uploaded with some very minor updates and fixes I caught since they've released. The first round of print-proofs have started showing up, and I'm mostly happy with them. They needed to be updated to reflect the changes I made to the PDFs, but otherwise the interiors are looking great. The covers are a bit off, but I know what caused it, so those have been corrected. The new proofs will likely take a couple of weeks to get here, but assuming they're good that means print versions will be available by mid-June. My very first published module ever, The Mines of Valdhum, first written for the Rules Cyclopedia, then converted to Labyrinth Lord, and then again converted for Fifth Edition, has now been released for Castles & Crusades! I've been wanting to do this since Mithgarthr has moved to C&C, but I was forcing myself to wait on that relatively easy release until I had gotten through 1-6. I'll give it about a week for another pass or two over it to make sure there aren't any needed corrections, and once I'm confident I'll get its print version started as well, so likely end of June for that one. And speaking of the print versions, since I'm doing them through Lulu now, I have no way of bundling them with a PDF. So once the print versions are available, I'll happily send you a link to download the PDF for free from DriveThru if you confirm your Lulu order number with me. I unfortunately won't be able to offer any discount on the print versions for anyone who has already purchased the PDF version; I've tried to keep the print prices reasonable, and just don't make a large enough profit margin to offer $10 off a print book to make up for the $10 you'd spend on the PDF. Finally, MECC7: The Tower of Adrofeus is roughly 1/3rd done, but now that all the other thing have been caught up I'll be focusing my attention fully on it, and guesstimate it'll be done sometime late summer. It's turning into a hoot of an adventure, and can be plopped fully into literally any fantasy campaign setting with effectively zero changes, so for folks who are looking for modules that aren't setting specific, this one'll be right up their alley.
I've been busy...
MECC4 introduced the wider realm of Imlar for PCs to explore after "graduating" from the relatively safe valley of Karaccia, and gave rules for how to hex-crawl the kingdom. MECC6 takes that idea and runs with it, providing an adventure which leads the PCs out of Karaccia for the first time which was created using the charts and tables in MECC4. Sort of a "this is how they're used" kinda thing. There is a LOT of adventure packed into its 44 pages! ALSO! MECC1: The Valley of Karaccia has been updated, not only bringing its art style and layout in line with MECC3+, but also adding more information about the valley, fixing a few typos, and tweaking a few CLs. If you haven't downloaded the new files, check 'em out (and if you haven't bought that module, now is a great time to get it)! Whew.
After a long, unexpected hiatus the final module of the Karaccia trilogy, "The Knaves of Nefford," finally got released last month. You can get it on Giant Slayer Games and DriveThruRPG in PDF. Print will be available on Lulu soon. The first print proof wasn't good, and I'm just waiting on the tweaked proof to show up (which should actually be today) before making it available. After getting that finished, I turned my sights on "The Realm of Imlar." This gazetteer details the kingdom of Imlar, in which the valley of Karaccia lies. I'd been working on this piecemeal since Karaccia was first conceived for the RC versions of the modules, throwing in a sentence or two anytime something about the setting would come up either while I was working on a module, or during play. Since a goodly amount had been done this way, it didn't take too much to get it finished as well, and it released two weeks after MECC3. Also available in PDF from Giant Slayer and DriveThru, the print version for this one's still probably a couple of weeks off. I've had two updates to the PDF (one for a typo, and the second with all new maps of Imlar), which is a simple matter compared to the infinitely more difficult prospect of updating a printed book. I'm 99.99% sure it's in a form that's good for print now, though, so a proof of that book will be created and ordered this week and we'll go from there. MECC5 is a great resource for Castle Keepers to keep track of their campaigns, and works especially well as a companion for the "Hexploration" of Imlar per the tables in MECC4. These record sheets are something I literally personally use, and find invaluable. This book is available exclusively in print from Lulu. And finally, while in this whirlwind of productivity, over the last two weeks I've been banging away at MECC6, "The Salt Shipment." Perfect as a follow up to the Karaccia trilogy, this module not only takes the PCs on a wilderness adventure into the larger realm of Imlar, but was created almost exclusively using the Hexploration tables in MECC4, showing Castle Keepers how those can be used to weave grand adventures for their players as they forge their own path throughout the land. It is already almost complete. As in, there's about one or two more pages to write and then a proof-read the thing kind of almost complete. It will likely come out at the end of this week. Good times, good times. |
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